Saturday, July 19, 2008

Week 5 Reflection

This week we worked with Bloom's Taxonomy and looked at some information on plagiarism.

Looking at Christine Casey's class about exploring the truth in journalism and tying it to Bloom's Taxonomy brought about lots of discussion. Many people felt that Casey did not address higher orders of thinking. I had trouble identifying higher order of thinking at first also. I then thought of how I would teach the class the same way she described it and saw a few examples of higher order thinking. My table can be viewed at .

I am beginning to formulate a plan for the final project. I am thinking about an online type of class I would like to have available for my staff. The class would teach some of the web 2.0 utilities that we have been covering for assessment purposes. I would utilize blogs, wikis, survey monkey, and a few other tools. I would have teachers working in small teams for discovery and utilization of the tools. I would also have the teachers develop a unit that they would then teach online to their students.

There are still some questions about the final that seem to be confusing some folks. I noticed quite a few questions on D2L that were not answered yet. I am curious to see how the questions are answered.

1 comment:

Datta Kaur said...

Dan, thanks for the taxonomy table completion. A view of it displays a strong understanding of the planning process as objectives relate to Bloom's - thanks.

I hope you now see all of the final project answers in the discussion. I will on the videoconference Saturday morning to answer more questions, if you like.

Nice plan for your staff - bet it will be very beneficial. How many are on your staff? Will it be optional? How will you inspire them to offer their precious time?

Datta Kaur