Monday, July 7, 2008

Week 3 Reflection

This week was a good challenge for me. I really did struggle with the concept map and inspiration. Using it was difficult for me, as was breaking down my ideas without it getting too convoluted. I am wondering if high school kids would have the same problem or if that is not even an issue. McLinden and Trochim apply their concept by using a business model. I really struggle when people try to compare education to business. Business is all about product and profit. If we are to really educate every child, education cannot think that way. If we did, we would cut loose every special ed and title kid.
I had more fun with the Bonk article. I included the first part of my discussion below because I thought it was interesting all the tools I have or do use now.

As I was going through Bonk's "The Perfect E-Storm" article, I started to note which of the technologies I have actually utilized in the past couple years. They are as follows:
Asynchronous Conferencing
Collaborative Tools
Digital Libraries
Digital Portfolios
Instructor Portals
Interactive News Media
IP Videoconferencing
Online quizes/exams/polls
Online homework/gradebook
Synchronous conferencing
video streaming
wireless technology

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